Friday, 14 December 2012

My Bucket List

  1. Go on a World tour.

  1. Go skydiving.

  1. Go Bungee Jumping.

  1. Go diving.

  1. Publish a novel.

  1. Marry my girlfriend.

  1. Have One million page views on my blog.

  1. Learn Swimming.

  1. Learn to play Guitar.

  1. Publish my poems.

  1. Build a large telescope.

  1. Get a star named after my wife.

  1. Kiss the most beautiful girl in the world.

  1. Go to a renaissance fair dressed as shakespeare.

  1. Go to disneyland.

  1. Build a house and Make it a home.

  1. Win a first place in a indiblogger contest.

  1. Sponsor a child.

  1. Get an aquarium.

  1. Buy a small electric car.

  1. Revamp my philatelic collection.

  1. Change a person's life for the better.

  1. Go on  a trip without watch, mobile phone and no map.

  1. Read 500 novels.

  1. New year in Sydney with my wife.

  1. Go to Kailash, bath in Mansarovar

  1. Go to Antarctica

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Android Me

Of course this ain't no tech blog, though I am a geek, I dint bring my work home with me. but the blog is about android... 

Hmm... not exactly...

Its about my new phone, Yes you heard it right, I went android too. Smart Huh?

So it happened thus...

My mother who obviously has a lot of money in her hand now, I guess all these talks about global slow down , recessions and a lot of wild bears roaming in the market means very little to a government employee like her.

For those who are unaware of government jobs in  India, its like a good damn insurance policy where all you have to do is sit in the office and you are bound to get your salary irrespective of whether you work or not. Its actually good to be a government employee in India. you wont get rich if you are neat and clean but you will never know what poverty is and neither will you know what hard work is.

So back to the story of my phone ....

My mother who obviously has a lot of money in her hand now decided that my phone is from another era and I am lagging behind in society. 

Thank god for that, I wonder what took her so long to notice. anyway better late than never.

So in her bid to increase my social stature in a rather highly utilitarian society, she bought me a new android phone. 

Before I tell you more about the phone just let me tell you this. Indian mothers don't buy their children anything unless they do something remarkable or if they give them a very hard time and are being impossible to shut up.

So my mother wanted an excuse so badly, that she decided to give the phone as a gift for procuring a new job in a Multi-National Company around half an year back. 

Old news right, but not to her. she revived the news made it the talk of the town.

By town we mean a rather small group of her closest friends, whose idea of  leisure time is to make tea and chat away the evening on phone discussing everything under the sun from the "impact of FDI relaxations in retail industry" to "Whether Aishwarya and Abhishek are doing it right with their daughter".

By the way my mother is a big fan of FDI, she just cant wait for the first Walmart store to open. Looks like shopping is hidden some where in the female gene. But Abhishek and Aishwarya are not so lucky, They usually get to face the wrath of the mother in her.

Geez... I haven't told you about the phone right...

Its alright i will write another post some other time ... Just kidding ...

So where we were?

Oh! yes.

My mother who obviously has a lot of money in her hand now decided that my phone is from another era and I am lagging behind in society. She contact her friend, who in turn contacted her friends and he in turn contacted a mobile phone dealer he knew and thus poor bastard who happened not to have the particular model procured the phone from a friend of his and handed back to the my mother friend's friend. he gave it to my mother's friend who gave to my mom.

So much ordeal to but phone? I guess she has her own wicked ways of doing things. Whom am I to complain I am the one who got the phone.

So in case you are still wondering what phone I bought and what it has to do with anything I am telling you.

If you really must know its a Samsung Galaxy S Duos. It still smells new ( may not be for long, but still...).

And it has absolutely nothing to do with the article or anything I wrote..

So what its my blog I do as I please... :P

So till I find a new and crazy topic to talk about.... So long 

Oh by the way I have a new Signature.... what do you think guys ?

Saturday, 1 December 2012

The Traits of a Honorable Man

What makes a honorable man? What makes him a Gentleman? Is it what he wears and how he treads ? or is it how he behaves or how he acts upon? What differentiates him from a sensible man and what what makes him an exotic species?  Is it great deeds and illuminated decorations that weigh down upon his chest? Or is it the fancy cars and the opulence of his living? Is it majestic orations or his conduct that is watched upon with much awe? What makes him an honorable man? What makes him a gentleman?

For starters, one thing we could say with much certainty is that neither fame or money nor power plays any significant role in making a man honorable. Though I admit there are a few powerful, rich gentlemen out there who are so famous, they alone doesn't make a man honorable. Honor comes not form the chastised vaults of great treasure or by flimsy pathways of glitter and glamour and the eternal stutter of the snapping shutters. To stand testimonial to this claim of mine I have an innumerable array of people who has disappointed utterly and disgraced themselves publicly. A list that ranges from drunken celebrities to brainless bureaucrats who has been caught with their pants down or their hands down the cookie jar. So if it is not money, fame or power that brings honor then what does? 

Many may argue that its education that would bring honor to men. But I cant but help disagree. though I would not completely nullify its contributions in making a man a  honorable one I cant tell that education alone will make one honorable. had that been the case the earth must be by now over flowing with honorable men. We don't see that right? What we see is great and educated men making a big ass of themselves in public and private. They get inflicted by the devils gene no matter how many degrees and scholarships they hold. Even those that appear to be honorable in their collared lives flutter when the corporate facets come off. So what is that, that beyond education that is required to instill honor in a human being. 

May be its wisdom, but what is wisdom? is wisdom a form of realization or is it the cumulative experience of years and years of  the perils of human life. Wisdom is not a quantifiable quality of human nature, but its a n abstract word that represents a greater level of learning. A level of learning that cant be understood by none other than the wise and that can only be admired and observed in awe. 

The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night. 

I believe what makes a man honorable has much to do with wisdom and realization but not completely. There is something more that is necessary to make him the complete man. That something is love, compassion and an array of such subtle but vehement feelings. To be a honorable man takes more that just a long beard and a pair of round glasses, it takes a feeling of universal belonging and consideration for others. It takes the ability to make the right decision and to adherence to the truth and righteousness. It take sense  and sensitivity to another man's feelings and the coherent ability to understand others pain and suffering  this together makes a man honorable and this is why the remain and forever will remain an exotic species and among men they will always walk tall and elusively. 

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Karthika Villaku : What I missed this time.

Every year around this time, in the shade of the full moon we keralites ( not all, some) celebrate the festival of  Karthika. I cant tell you why we celebrate this particular festival because I do not know why. But every year we embellish our houses with a million a lighted lamps and let it simmer the golden glow of the burning oil flame.  I do remember the times mother, me and my brother lighted the whole house up in such fiery splendor. That was only last year by the way. When it was in my ancestral house it was something even more spectacular. The entire family would rush to the top of the house at sun down and start lighting up the lamps one by one till every possible place in the house is basking in its glow. 

But this year, it was different. I did not even know that the festival was over until a day past. My mother used to remember it always and I used to be at home always when it happened. But this time she is not here neither am I. I suppose then the family thought nay this time around. There happened the first time that our dear house stood in solemn silence and darkness when the whole neighborhood erupted in the golden glow. 

I guess next time its different, may be one more time i would get to enjoy these simple pleasures again. 

Thursday, 22 November 2012

The Indian Moral Victory

The lady of Justice

To kill someone can never be demeaned as civil, but this statement stands in stark contradiction to what India has done. India has killed someone and yet she has managed to remain morally clean and ideologically pristine. The hanging of Kasab can be considered nothing less than a clean  example of the prevailing sense of justice in India. India has showcased to the world its adherence to justice and its ability to provide a fair trial to all alike.

Before we start off on our analysis of what had happened its better we know a little background of the things. The Kasab we talk about here is the lone terrorist who has been captured alive after the 26/11 attack on Mumbai. The one terrorist strike that has made the whole nation stand on its toes for over a couple of days. Such was the magnanimity of the attacks that the nation was never the same again. After four years of intense judicial procedures he was sent to the gallows yesterday, signalling the end of one India's most awaited trials.

The fact that he was send to the gallows is not what matters, any nation would have did the same may be even sooner. But India did something very few of the nations would ever ensure, India did that what can only be provided by a superior nation. India gave its supreme criminal, the one that deserved no mercy a chance to defend himself and plead innocence. India gave Kazab a lawyer and open for him all the avenues of its legal system. India made no haste and spared no expense, it did no mock trials and it made no hasty judgements. It let the case go as any other case of the same would go on this soil. It preserved the interest of the defaulter, treated him as a human and hence ensured that after its all over it shall rise high and mighty. 

As a citizen of India, I ma well aware of the feelings of its people, I have at first hand understood and empathised with there anger and angst. They wanted it over fast, they wanted him hanged and were tired of waiting. They were desperate for justice and this is easier to understand. The fact that the nation showed much will power in ensuring that justice shall take its turn is praise worthy especially considering that the other option was for many a reason far more attractive and hassle free. But then again a nation has to stand for its ideals, A nation is not the barb wires that separate it, but it is the ideas , ideals and the morality its determined to uphold.