These are bad times gentleman, the world seems to be to frail a place to live in. For a second it did seem that the Hollywood proclaimed Mayan prophecy was right after all, with impending social doom resonating from all cardinal directions. At times we feel bereft of all sanity, such is the hope and happiness of today, jaded and desolate.
But every year is a new year, every beginning a new beginning and though the horizon looks bleak now we can hope and we can believe that a time of bliss will unfold. We can hope for a day the world's women can walk freely without the fear of cannibals, we can believe in a day when the children of Haiti can eat a full meal and smile their innocent smiles. We can dream of an era sans guns and bombs where all men can sleep peacefully. We can believe in a tomorrow that is worthy of humanity and is bright and colorful as the world of fairy tales This friends is my wish and prayer for the year to come.
A compelling set of true stories about my life, passions, adventures, travels, motivations, innovations and random ideas about life and love.
Monday, 31 December 2012
Thursday, 27 December 2012
Simple and Sensible : Once Upon the Tracks of Mumbai - Rishi Vohra
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The candid caricature of a bereft man, a man in the cusp of manhood, his dreams, ambitions and his frustrations. When through purely accidental circumstances he turns out to be the super hero that the metro was craving, it means an opportunity for him to express himself for the first time in front of a society that has for so long ignored his existence. Rishi Vohra's Once upon the tracks of Mumbai is an inquiry into the mental dilemmas of such a man.
It is only true that occasionally we discover ourselves and rediscover ourselves in this master work of his. The truth being that Railman is just as identifiable to me as I am to me. Every teen who has had his heart long for justice in these troubled times has a Railman inside him who goes around kicking the ass of those villains. But when Babloo finds himself becoming Railman, he experiences an acceptance the society was unwilling to give his true self, making him believe that being Railman was the reason for his being. The fall of his ideal being causes much confusion that poor Babloo finds baffling.
The story of how Babloo deals with all the problems of his life, from love to social acceptance and the moment of clarity that he experiences teaches us more about us than about Babloo. In a way Once upon the tracks of Mumbai is more about self than anything else. A good book, simple and sensible is a book worth reading and has a small feel good factor about it. Hence Rishi Vohra's Once upon the tracks of Mumbai is an official Rupertt wind recommendation.
Saturday, 22 December 2012
50 Books in 2012
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I Read 50 books in 2012, Yes baby, FIFTY. And thanks to, I have been able to keep track of it.
I took upon the challenge in July, so I was trailing by a big margin. actually huge is the word. But somehow I made it. I must be thanking good reads for rekindling my love for the dusty pages. :)
You must all try The good reads challenge. It would do you a ton of good.
So there goes the list of the fifty books I so voraciously consumed.
Friday, 21 December 2012
Bang Bang, Gang Bang
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I am pretty sure that most of you have heard something or the other about these gruesome incidents in the Indian capital. For those who, who hasn't, I will give a quick recap. A girl was traveling in a bus with her male friend, her boyfriend, colleague, just friend I don't know, not the point here though. So the bus also had some shady characters in it, starting with the bus driver and extending to a couple of passengers. So they starts taunting her, the male friend interjects. He gets beaten up ( awesome guts dude ) and then they go on to rape her and later dumps them some place. Sorry, I can't give a blow by blow account of what happened, principally because I don't know. But if you need to know just Google "Delhi gang rapes", it's huge news you can't miss it.
It is not actually breaking news that the Indian youth is sex starved, yes prejudiced mothers your son and daughter are too. I just exited teen age statistically, I know all the less than civil fantasies that rampage their tender minds, all because I harbor them too. I know how dangerous their intentions can be, because I know how dangerous mine is. I am not your occasional rapist, I wouldn't do that or so I believe. Even if I don't trust my intentions, I trust my upbringing and I have all faith in my rationale. But the point is this if I harbor such infidel thoughts, what would a less disciplined mind house, I can only guess with much terror.
What we must investigate is the root cause of all this evil, okay proprietors of child marriage, wait! You are not helping. We must try to understand the sexual need of today, I can tell you that it does not one bit good to look upon today's sexuality with the conservative eyes of yesterday. Today's youth knows more of sexuality than you would know in a lifetime. The progressive Indian teen who is exposed to the freedom of sexual expressionism prevalent in the western way of life cultivates in him a desire for such freedom. Freedom once tasted leaves a hangover spanning a lifetime and inculcates a strong desire to achieve it. This desire when suppressed by the Indian way of life and it's taboos does what a pressure cooker does to its contents. Some become submissive others rebel.

What we should do is not for me to offer with my limited intelligence on bureaucratic red-tap-ism in India. but what I tend to offer as a possibility is what I feel is necessary for the next generation of citizens to know what they hold in terms of civil and civilian responsibilities. I believe a strong and compulsory session must be there in the upper school years when the children are at the most vulnerable from their own sexuality. It is a matter of utmost importance that a teenager be made to understand his sexuality and realize that it is not a taboo. The banner of taboo-ism must at all cost be eliminated from the society so that they wont end up doing shady things in their pursuit of sexual liberty.
I know I don't have much to offer in curbing the criminality in today's men, but I think a safer world for women can be created by tendering to the children who would soon take over this world from us. We have to make them understand that the other gender is to be respected and acknowledged and not to be looked down upon. This must go either way to ensure that we have a new India when gender equality is predominant and is an underlining principle of its existence.
Monday, 17 December 2012
The art of letting go
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I have heard people mention several a times that the whole point of life was to let go of it, piece by piece and person by person. To gain many a things through hard labour and then silently watch it being squandered away. The withering away is to life what ever birth and growth will ever be, in fact it is more to life than birth would be. It is what completes and fulfils life. It is the final act of redemption, the last nuance of liberation.
A wise man had once said that a man starts to die the moment he is born, that his life is but a eventful journey to his grave. But life is more than the slow withering away, isn't it? Life is not the indeterminate decaying of self, it is not a subtle dance to death.
During the short tenancy upon this earth it is true that we must at many times learn to let go. Every time something dear and near to us dematerializes, one has to cope survive the vast vacuum it leaves behind. But always the real challenge is to acknowledge it's transiency, even when one knows what that is lost is lost and no longer ones to cry over. The real challenge is to accept that something's no more and no longer worth saddening over.
Hence the art of letting go remains the final art to master. Why we find it so difficult to grasp, must come from the fact that we had all our lives tried to for go the truth and establish its permanence. We always believe that what we have will remain, we always believe that our grandfather who is 95 now and sick over a decade will never die. Thus with futile belief we make a facet and wear it so often that it becomes an integral part of us. It is with attachment that we wield our life and this is the cause of all our great fears.
To learn to let go one must understand that life is more than these bonds. I make no claim of afterlife and nor of some superior understanding of the spiritual realm, all I know is this one life and all my assumptions stems from a need to understand it. When all you have is just one life, it seems inexplicably expensive to waste it in any way. The truth about letting go is hence very selfish in natural. To let go is to take upon one's life a responsibility of one's life, to live it with a greed beyond compare.
The guru granth sahib asks us to celebrate the mystic reunion and not to be sad in the final absolution of a dear one's existence. But to let go is not always about death, more dreadful is it when we have to let go of someone on our own and is not forced upon us. They are by all means necessary and though not as imposing as death may be are still very much necessary. The act of some one leaving for good, not so much as bothering to say farewell is deafening to the soul. Yet you know very well that it is just as necessary.
I pretend not to preach but yet the alien perfection betrays my pretensions What ever it may be and however I say it, the truth about letting go is simple, you simply have to. The art of letting go is hence simple as well, at least in principle. The art of letting go is to refrain from clutching on, it is to let go with entirety and not to force upon one's self the separation. To Let the tide of time unite and dissociate at will. That is the art of letting go.
Friday, 14 December 2012
My Bucket List
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- Go on a World tour.
- Go skydiving.
- Go Bungee Jumping.
- Go diving.
- Publish a novel.
- Marry my girlfriend.
- Have One million page views on my blog.
- Learn Swimming.
- Learn to play Guitar.
- Publish my poems.
- Build a large telescope.
- Get a star named after my wife.
- Kiss the most beautiful girl in the world.
- Go to a renaissance fair dressed as shakespeare.
- Go to disneyland.
- Build a house and Make it a home.
- Win a first place in a indiblogger contest.
- Sponsor a child.
- Get an aquarium.
- Buy a small electric car.
- Revamp my philatelic collection.
- Change a person's life for the better.
- Go on a trip without watch, mobile phone and no map.
- Read 500 novels.
- New year in Sydney with my wife.
- Go to Kailash, bath in Mansarovar
- Go to Antarctica
Thursday, 6 December 2012
Android Me
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Of course this ain't no tech blog, though I am a geek, I dint bring my work home with me. but the blog is about android...
Hmm... not exactly...
Its about my new phone, Yes you heard it right, I went android too. Smart Huh?
So it happened thus...
My mother who obviously has a lot of money in her hand now, I guess all these talks about global slow down , recessions and a lot of wild bears roaming in the market means very little to a government employee like her.
For those who are unaware of government jobs in India, its like a good damn insurance policy where all you have to do is sit in the office and you are bound to get your salary irrespective of whether you work or not. Its actually good to be a government employee in India. you wont get rich if you are neat and clean but you will never know what poverty is and neither will you know what hard work is.
So back to the story of my phone ....
My mother who obviously has a lot of money in her hand now decided that my phone is from another era and I am lagging behind in society.
Thank god for that, I wonder what took her so long to notice. anyway better late than never.
So in her bid to increase my social stature in a rather highly utilitarian society, she bought me a new android phone.
Before I tell you more about the phone just let me tell you this. Indian mothers don't buy their children anything unless they do something remarkable or if they give them a very hard time and are being impossible to shut up.
So my mother wanted an excuse so badly, that she decided to give the phone as a gift for procuring a new job in a Multi-National Company around half an year back.
Old news right, but not to her. she revived the news made it the talk of the town.
By town we mean a rather small group of her closest friends, whose idea of leisure time is to make tea and chat away the evening on phone discussing everything under the sun from the "impact of FDI relaxations in retail industry" to "Whether Aishwarya and Abhishek are doing it right with their daughter".
By the way my mother is a big fan of FDI, she just cant wait for the first Walmart store to open. Looks like shopping is hidden some where in the female gene. But Abhishek and Aishwarya are not so lucky, They usually get to face the wrath of the mother in her.
Geez... I haven't told you about the phone right...
Its alright i will write another post some other time ... Just kidding ...
So where we were?
Oh! yes.
My mother who obviously has a lot of money in her hand now decided that my phone is from another era and I am lagging behind in society. She contact her friend, who in turn contacted her friends and he in turn contacted a mobile phone dealer he knew and thus poor bastard who happened not to have the particular model procured the phone from a friend of his and handed back to the my mother friend's friend. he gave it to my mother's friend who gave to my mom.
So much ordeal to but phone? I guess she has her own wicked ways of doing things. Whom am I to complain I am the one who got the phone.
So in case you are still wondering what phone I bought and what it has to do with anything I am telling you.
If you really must know its a Samsung Galaxy S Duos. It still smells new ( may not be for long, but still...).
And it has absolutely nothing to do with the article or anything I wrote..
So what its my blog I do as I please... :P
So till I find a new and crazy topic to talk about.... So long
Oh by the way I have a new Signature.... what do you think guys ?
Saturday, 1 December 2012
The Traits of a Honorable Man
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What makes a honorable man? What makes him a Gentleman? Is it what he wears and how he treads ? or is it how he behaves or how he acts upon? What differentiates him from a sensible man and what what makes him an exotic species? Is it great deeds and illuminated decorations that weigh down upon his chest? Or is it the fancy cars and the opulence of his living? Is it majestic orations or his conduct that is watched upon with much awe? What makes him an honorable man? What makes him a gentleman?
For starters, one thing we could say with much certainty is that neither fame or money nor power plays any significant role in making a man honorable. Though I admit there are a few powerful, rich gentlemen out there who are so famous, they alone doesn't make a man honorable. Honor comes not form the chastised vaults of great treasure or by flimsy pathways of glitter and glamour and the eternal stutter of the snapping shutters. To stand testimonial to this claim of mine I have an innumerable array of people who has disappointed utterly and disgraced themselves publicly. A list that ranges from drunken celebrities to brainless bureaucrats who has been caught with their pants down or their hands down the cookie jar. So if it is not money, fame or power that brings honor then what does?

May be its wisdom, but what is wisdom? is wisdom a form of realization or is it the cumulative experience of years and years of the perils of human life. Wisdom is not a quantifiable quality of human nature, but its a n abstract word that represents a greater level of learning. A level of learning that cant be understood by none other than the wise and that can only be admired and observed in awe.
The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.
The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.
I believe what makes a man honorable has much to do with wisdom and realization but not completely. There is something more that is necessary to make him the complete man. That something is love, compassion and an array of such subtle but vehement feelings. To be a honorable man takes more that just a long beard and a pair of round glasses, it takes a feeling of universal belonging and consideration for others. It takes the ability to make the right decision and to adherence to the truth and righteousness. It take sense and sensitivity to another man's feelings and the coherent ability to understand others pain and suffering this together makes a man honorable and this is why the remain and forever will remain an exotic species and among men they will always walk tall and elusively.
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Karthika Villaku : What I missed this time.
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Every year around this time, in the shade of the full moon we keralites ( not all, some) celebrate the festival of Karthika. I cant tell you why we celebrate this particular festival because I do not know why. But every year we embellish our houses with a million a lighted lamps and let it simmer the golden glow of the burning oil flame. I do remember the times mother, me and my brother lighted the whole house up in such fiery splendor. That was only last year by the way. When it was in my ancestral house it was something even more spectacular. The entire family would rush to the top of the house at sun down and start lighting up the lamps one by one till every possible place in the house is basking in its glow.
But this year, it was different. I did not even know that the festival was over until a day past. My mother used to remember it always and I used to be at home always when it happened. But this time she is not here neither am I. I suppose then the family thought nay this time around. There happened the first time that our dear house stood in solemn silence and darkness when the whole neighborhood erupted in the golden glow.
I guess next time its different, may be one more time i would get to enjoy these simple pleasures again.
Thursday, 22 November 2012
The Indian Moral Victory
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To kill someone can never be demeaned as civil, but this statement stands in stark contradiction to what India has done. India has killed someone and yet she has managed to remain morally clean and ideologically pristine. The hanging of Kasab can be considered nothing less than a clean example of the prevailing sense of justice in India. India has showcased to the world its adherence to justice and its ability to provide a fair trial to all alike.
Before we start off on our analysis of what had happened its better we know a little background of the things. The Kasab we talk about here is the lone terrorist who has been captured alive after the 26/11 attack on Mumbai. The one terrorist strike that has made the whole nation stand on its toes for over a couple of days. Such was the magnanimity of the attacks that the nation was never the same again. After four years of intense judicial procedures he was sent to the gallows yesterday, signalling the end of one India's most awaited trials.
The fact that he was send to the gallows is not what matters, any nation would have did the same may be even sooner. But India did something very few of the nations would ever ensure, India did that what can only be provided by a superior nation. India gave its supreme criminal, the one that deserved no mercy a chance to defend himself and plead innocence. India gave Kazab a lawyer and open for him all the avenues of its legal system. India made no haste and spared no expense, it did no mock trials and it made no hasty judgements. It let the case go as any other case of the same would go on this soil. It preserved the interest of the defaulter, treated him as a human and hence ensured that after its all over it shall rise high and mighty.
As a citizen of India, I ma well aware of the feelings of its people, I have at first hand understood and empathised with there anger and angst. They wanted it over fast, they wanted him hanged and were tired of waiting. They were desperate for justice and this is easier to understand. The fact that the nation showed much will power in ensuring that justice shall take its turn is praise worthy especially considering that the other option was for many a reason far more attractive and hassle free. But then again a nation has to stand for its ideals, A nation is not the barb wires that separate it, but it is the ideas , ideals and the morality its determined to uphold.
Sunday, 18 November 2012
Bon Voyage, Cousin!
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I got a call a few minutes ago, it is impossible to call it
a call, all it was a monologue of half a sentence long. A string of words from
him and an uneasy silence on my part, that’s what our conversation was. Can I
call it a conversation I am not sure, but one thing I am sure of is that the
feeling were genuine, even though my response was brutal and highly prejudiced.
Before I divulge what he spoke and what its implications
are, I must tell you who he is and what he meant to me in another era. He is my
cousin that much I am sure you would have guessed and here is more about my
cousin that you would need to know to understand our relationship and its
prejudices. I am willing to write about him only because I know he will never
read it and even my stupid family will never stumble upon this, it will be
buried deep in my archives waiting for an occasional visit and will eventually
be forgotten. I guess when it comes to my cousin my ungratefulness extends to
such a level that I could not even remember his name. May be its true that when
relationships are forgotten through time and when they gets buried for so long
in memory even blood shall lose its flavor.
He is cousin or nephew I know not which, I suppose I never
got hold of their distinctions and I sure am not in a mood to look it up now.
The fact it makes no difference what so ever to anything that I have to say or
what I feel. His name is Vaishak and he is the son of fathers only sister. My
father comes from not a wealthy family and he climbed up the social ladder (so
he claims) on his own through much hard work and perseverance, hence his crude
mannerisms. His love for book is perhaps the only personality trait I inherited
from him or all I want to inherit form him. But nevertheless unlike him his
family was not so lucky, I am not pretty sure whether “lucky” is the right word
to use.
His sister’s marriage though happy is not with someone whose
second nature is to have a rainy day account. This nature of his always left
them at a state of perpetual poverty, never too rich never too poor either,
kind of in the in between. This though in contemporary society is regarded as
unfortunate, this has preserved in them a sense of innocence that is seldom
seen among the corporate animals that roam the concrete jungles. They have
simple taste and even simpler lives, something to envy I guess.
My mother has instilled in me prejudices so coarse that it
took me 21 years of my life to clear the soot and look at it with any clarity
of mind. Such has been the extend of the prejudices that I forgot that my
father actually had a family. It was like things in a fairy tales that are too
good to exist. But I must Say my mother is not a bad person but pride and ego
can do terrible things even to the amiable of angels. Don’t hate my mother I
beg you, she doesn’t deserve that, She was only protecting me from what she had
convinced herself was bad. Nonetheless her actions deprived me from
understanding life as it is in its raw form. Alienating me from people who were
earthly and volatile the same. I had to learn the art of being contended at the
smallest of things on my own, to cherish the wet mud that molds my feet and the
sight of the rare blue butterfly or even the smell of the virgin earth being
touched by the mighty rains hands. But I ended up spending one third of my life
learning these things when I could have readily understood it all, It was all
there just outside.
I still remember the time I had spent with my cousin, the
times we bathed together when we were children in the small open bathroom with
mulberry bush hanging from one side, Splashing water from the little tank that
use to store the water from the well. The little garden with all the beautiful
flowers and the tasty mulberry bushes. The many a wonderful evening spend
playing in the faint stream that ran by the green paddy fields. I still
remember the small aquarium he had, a small one, with so many little fishes in
it. Nothing too fancy, no expensive fishes just the ones he had caught form the
nearby stream. He had even taught me how to catch a fish with nothing but a
plain piece of cloth, Alas! I had forgotten it, I had forgotten it long ago I
suppose along with the sweet memories of that era.
It surprises me how much there is to tell, I never knew the
faded photographs in my father’s old photo album had so much history, so many
memories in it. I never knew that the characters in those pictures had a life
and they were more than their innocent smiles and that they were ones very much
alive. Strange what one phone call, a few minutes of someone’s voice can
accomplish. I don’t want to tell anything, may be another time when I feel I am
much more ready to face the truth of life.
He had called me now to tell me that he is going to Qatar,
in search of a job. I am sure he got a job in there where his other uncle
works, I did not so much are bother to ask what he is doing and what job he
got. I did not tell him anything but I did pray for him, pray that all that is
good shall only befall him and I prayed him Bon Voyage.
Monday, 12 November 2012
The Search for Love
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I believe every one of us at one time or the other starts
searching for love. Some go through their whole life ignoring their hearts
desire just to search feverishly for what is it that matters on their death
beds. Some others are truly lucky, Love finds them. Love presents itself in
front of them in such lovely ways that it is impossible for anyone to ignore.
Lucky Bastards. But many of us are not that fortunate yet we don’t give up, we
are not undermined, we search for it with all our vigor.
Why do I love the silence of the moon,
The paradisal distance of the dawn,
Why do I love the silence of the moon,
The paradisal distance of the dawn,
I believe myself lucky when it comes to love. No, love did
not show itself in front of me and knock on my door but I did not had to search
much to find it an I was luckier still that I knew it when I found it. It
really is true that when true love blossoms its hard to ignore and impossible
to notice. It feels like the whole and everything in it comes to be revolving
around that special someone. What you do and what you think, everything starts
and ends with that someone.
The depth of eve mysteriously withdrawn,
Better than all the roses of late June,
The depth of eve mysteriously withdrawn,
Better than all the roses of late June,
One can always force oneself to love a person but that is
not the true nature of love. At all times such love shall feel empty and its
abysmal absence felt upon mankind? One cam always adjust, analyze and feel
secure in love. Love is inherently volatile, unyielding and never shape. It is
as chaotic as the moments of genesis was and so is it just as tranquil and
serene as the midnight lakes. Love takes no prisoners nor ever call for peace,
yet it is never the war nor the clandestine blood splatter.
I had my heart broken not once, not twice nor thrice but
many more a times. It has been bruised and it has been violated beyond healing,
yet my heart could not stop itself from the vindictive search for love. Then
came the absence, the abstinence and the stale doldrums and after all of the
hells ailments came the light and came the peace.
The mossy forest-floor with beech-mast strawn,
And green trees waving in the depth of noon.
It was a smile at first and then a giggle, It was a hello at
first and then serene silence, a touch then its prolonged absence, an emptiness
and then the feeling of universal belonging and then the feeling of
weightlessness sans hunger sans thirst. Like the vagabond clouds in the heaven
his mighty and afterwards the freshness of the virgin earth at the first touch
of the mighty rain.
Night hath her dreams and the lone heart its tears;
Silence and longing weep themselves to rest
Night hath her dreams and the lone heart its tears;
Silence and longing weep themselves to rest
Then one day in the autumnal bliss of the solitary morning, in
her lovely poster resembling much mighty artists’ works and in the absence of
time, space and reason I knew, I knew what is it that I held in my heart and
unknowingly sans reason and logic I drew her near and sealed us with a kiss.
Not a long prolonged slobbering of lust but the lightest brushing my trembling
lips on her snow like cheek.
Each on the other's mild and maiden breast;
The seeking spirit sighs, the dim star hears;
Each on the other's mild and maiden breast;
The seeking spirit sighs, the dim star hears;
Oh Bliss Eternal. This was the moment of great love that had
extended many a millennia, time was not in any hurry and reason had not one bit
of sand to stand upon. This was our moment and our alone and the all the earth
and the heavens above were ours and ours alone. This was my moment of enlightening
and my moment of atonement. The final act of
supreme love and from it came love and love only.
Distance and high devotion suit the best,
And deep as thy deep eyes the dawn appears.
Distance and high devotion suit the best,
And deep as thy deep eyes the dawn appears.
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